Pamela and I are about to change the weather... come Monday (2/25), we're looking at temps in the 80s, cool ocean breezes, sunny skies, & beautiful beaches.
We're all in:
Wednesday, February 27, 2008 at 4:00PM on the white sands of Montego Bay, Jamaica, Pamela Susan Denson and Kurt William Knight will make things official by joining hands, joining hearts and then swapping spit.
We are excited - Let the PARTY begin!!!
Obviously, since my last blog was over 6 months ago, I've been downright lousy at keeping any interested parties informed about our latest happenings. In an effort to make up for lost time, here's a brief outline of our major events since my last post:
- Dad's Surprise 60th Birthday Party (July/'07): battling a 6-hour airline miscue, Avery & I still managed to sneak into town unannounced and added an even bigger surprise to the already happening surprise party. Dad's reaction, when I showed up holding Avery, was priceless and was truly worth every minute of airport layover helldom it took to get there.
- Chris, Stacy, Gwen & Nadia come to town!: In August, Stacy & Chris flew out with the girls for a week long visit in Richmond. Avery enjoyed the heck out of her cousins while they were here. Chris & Stacy took the liberty of renting a mongo mini-van that we all piled into like circus clowns throughout the week. No less than 30 minutes in town - straight from the car rental joint - Chris gave the anti-locks a nice test as an 18-wheeler in front of us stopped cold on I-64. Fortunately, that kid cart bit down like a fatty on a chocolate bar and we all survived. It was a great visit and we enjoyed their company, mucho.
- Pamela got a new J-O-B: Pamela decided to test the free agent waters on the employment market and she reeled in a nice gig. Her new company zings cash around similar to frisbees at a beach party - for fun - they like to schedule staff meetings in Vegas, Orlando and Rome of all places... pretty crazy, yet pretty damn cool for her. I've been shopping for a nice new toga as I'd like to tag along and see the Caput Mundi.
- Avery turned the Big #2: Avery's odometer rolled to "2" on Saturday, September 1,
2007. After her afternoon nap she awoke to find a patio full of presents, Dora balloons and, best of all, loving family members and friends gathered for her Birthday BBQ Bash. After some hefty BBQ, we all tried to beat the heat with some cake and ice cream while Avery plowed through the generous multitude of presents, including those shipped i
n from Dallas, St. Louis & Springfield, MO... The kid made out like a bandit and if that wasn't enough, we road tripped to Newport News the following day where Avery did it all over again with her beloved Papa. Sidebar: Long story, short. Otis nearly didn't survive the birthday weekend as he somehow managed to trounce in Avery's cake we ordered for the BBQ. Hurriedly minutes before the party started, Pamela picked up the cake and then ran in a gas station on the way home for a few bags of ice - cake in the front seat, Otis in the back seat - two minutes later, there are paw prints in the cake and chocolate tracks all over the Jeep! That little... AAAGGGGHHHHH!!!
- Randy/Abby's Wedding: Excellent! Randy & Abby brought home t
he gold in preparing for and doing their wedding up right. In late October we journeyed back to STL where Pamela & I and many others all had a blast celebrating their big day... The honor of being the best man was bestowed upon me by my homeboy Randy. With that title, it gave me free reign to plan the Bachelor's Party! Yeah! I'll spare you the boring details, but his bachelor's party consisted of renting and RV for the weekend, cramming seven smelly guys in there and driving from STL to Columbia to watch the ranked MU tigers stomp a historically touted Nebraska squad. Then, we had to pony up and head to KC to watch the KC/Jacksonville NFL game. Then, we chugged home on fumes early Monday morning from KC back to STL and called it a weekend. It was boring, seriously... not much else to talk about... ;-) !
- Halloween!: The candy WAS a big deal this year!
- Richmond Marathon (Nov. 10, 2007): I set my sights on this puppy in late June and amazingly enough managed to stick to my training plan (with major help from Pamela) until race day. I chugged in at 3:40:52 and it was a very gratifying experience to cross the finish line. It was even better to hear the support from family and friends cheering me on. Thanks for picking me up and keeping me going! Here are a few pics. I'd love to expand more on this topic, but dammit - I have to start packing for Jamaica!
- Engagement: December 1, 2007 - On this day, I was finally able to feed Pamela enough booze so she'd say yes. OK, actually we just had a really nice evening at the Jefferson Hotel in downtown Richmond. The atmosphere... the mood... That place is pimp. Hilton doesn't have shit on Thomas Jefferson. My boy, TJ, did that place up right 200-some odd years ago. OK - Being the lady-killer that I am, I had to melt the girl's heart with some sweet nothings before popping the question. Then I dished out the hardware and it's been on ever since. Pamela knew something was up, but was generally surprised as I sprung this on her at the beginning of the night...
- Trip home for New Year's Eve: We drove! Ouch! It was great to see everyone over the holidays and we are already looking forward to our next journey back... Although, at the moment, I'm mostly looking forward to: my bride, my speedo & our tray of Piña Coladas!!!
Other topics include the usual work grind, home improvement projects and finding cool activities for Avery to partake in. In January, we enrolled her in a Gymnastics class. She didn't love it at first, but finished very strong the last two classes... She even received a medal last week! (so did every other toddler, but hey... come on... she did good!).
Also - for a slideshow of some of our latest & best pictures check out Pamela's MySpace Page! (
Well now... did I mention we're going to Jamaica to get married!
Till next time, Mon!